On a recent post I mentioned I was off on my holidays to the Carribean but didn't specify where, I think you've all guessed by the title! I'm topping up my tan and sunning myself out in Mexico with a Bailey's in one hand and a Book in the other, I'm currently reading the Rivers of London. So far so good, it's more of a crime book but based on a ghost story so I've really been getting into it.
But more to the point the Bailey's are going down exceptionally well and my tan is coming along nicely. It's a perfect break before winter sets in back home, by the time I get home it'll be October and that just means Christmas is not too far away.
Being on Holiday and posting everyday while you're on holiday for two weeks is something only superhereos can do, me on the other hand I tried that and I failed, miserably. I wrote posts that weren't even interesting, the pictures were lacking in quality and detail and the writing was rushed and to be honest everything seemed a little rubbish. Not that my blog is perfect because I have only just started out but to me things weren't up to standards plus it gives me a little time to relax and un-wind.
Out here, everything is so beautifully colourful and they have so much to offer. Not only isit good weather all year round but people are friendly, everyone is happy. I love all the colours in everything I pass, it all looks so stunning set out in the glorious Mexican Sunshine.
Hope you're all well, Lots of Love, Kate. x
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